Goals & Accomplishments
Kossuth County Economic Development Corporation has been evolving these past few years to meet the challenges of economic development. By using the framework built by our Board of Directors and many standing committees, we have placed great focus on establishing a proactive and strong organization that will enhance the growth for our area. Collaboration with local, regional, and state entities will provide future avenues of opportunities.
Kossuth County Economic Development Corporation has provided both direct and indirect positive economic impact within Kossuth County. The need for continual leadership, volunteerism to support the frame work of KCEDC and our county's future is critical. KCEDC has identified their goals and accomplishments.

Ready to find out more?
By focusing on Business Assistance, Job Creation and other important Continual Projects, KCEDC is able to have many accomplishments over the years. Take a look at what we've done by reviewing the KCEDC At A Glance report.