
Palo Alto County Economic Development Corporation has provided both direct and indirect economic impact to meet the challenges of economic development and its relation to quality of life.

Endless hours of collaboration with local, regional and state entities will continue to provide the future with avenues of opportunities and success.


What Our Partners Say

"Palo Alto County Economic Development Corporation is a success story all residents can be proud of.  Through professional partnerships and betterment of our area, PACEDC and River Valley Telecommunications Coop jointly assisted a new start up business in Graettinger through their Revolving Loan Funds.  Strong leadership coupled with outstanding citizen participation and involvement is helping to strengthen the businesses, industries, and communities of Palo Alto County.  Congratulations on your 10 Year Anniversary.  We support and appreciate your efforts."

-Ivan Dalen,
River Valley Telecommunication Coop
PACEDC Board President

"Economic Development is a large part of the mission for Iowa Lakes Community College and I really appreciate the responsiveness and collaboration that Maureen practices.  It improves our ability to act quickly with the perfect solutions to strengthen business and industry.  Maureen and her colleagues provide follow through to wrap up projects in a timely manner.  I really appreciate Maureen's excellent communication and the fact they put key people together to facilitate discussions while matching resources available through the region."

- Valerie Newhouse
President, Iowa Lake Community College
PACEDC Past Board President

 "Economic development is key to the survival of Palo Alto County.  The recent success and support of economic development in our area could not have been achieved without PACEDC.  Now, more than ever, continued support from each community in Palo Alto County and the leadership of the Palo Alto County Board of Supervisors is essential for an ongoing collaborative effort towards economic development - PACEDC is the organization that unites that effort for our area.  Congratulations to PACEDC for celebrating 10 successful years.  We appreciate all of your efforts." 

- Craig Merrill
Palo Alto County Board of Supervisors
PACEDC Board of Directors