KCEDC Investors

In the years that KCEDC has been in existence, we have made tremendous strides in organizing our county to be a serious player in the field of economic development. There is a lot of competition among other counties to attract new businesses, therefore it is more important than ever to create and maintain a viable economic development organization to serve Kossuth County.

If you live and work in Kossuth County, you have a stake in the future here.

Supporting a thriving economic development organization requires a commitment by business and industry as well as government. It takes leadership, volunteers, paid staff and financial resources. With your support we can continue to create acres of opportunity right here in Kossuth County.

Businesses investing in the future of Kossuth County

Investment Options

  • List your business on the KCEDC website.
  • List your business on KCEDC Promotional Materials.
  • Your Internship Opportunities posted to our KCEDC Job Postings.
  • Special feature of your business on the KCEDC website.

  • List your business on the KCEDC website.
  • List your business on KCEDC Promotional Materials.
  • Your Internship Opportunities posted to our KCEDC Job Postings.

  • List your business on the KCEDC website.
  • Promotion of your business at trade shows.
  • List your business in the KCEDC "sell kit".

  • List your business on the KCEDC website.